The selection and make-up of the school’s student body is second only to staff selection in the impact it has upon the school’s mission. The family-like atmosphere OCA seeks to foster is due in great measure to the similarity of biblical convictions and principles taught and lived out in many of the homes of our students. As the Lord blesses us with growth and change, we want to do all we can to maintain and build up that atmosphere.
A student’s academic achievements will be considered in the application process, but only for grade placement, not as the primary
determinant for acceptance. Again, we are seeking to enroll those students who, because of their own families’ priorities, will
most benefit from what OCA can offer to them.
Application Forms
The application process will begin upon submission of the following enclosed forms and the $25.00 per student
application fee:
• Student Application
• Parent Questionnaire & Statement of Faith Agreement Form
• Pastoral Reference Form
• Student Record Release Form
An interview between Headmaster and prospective parent(s) and student(s) will be scheduled upon
receipt of the above forms. This interview is required for acceptance into OCA.
All applicants for Pre-K and Kindergarten must meet only age and maturity requirements for developmental readiness.
Applicants for 1st grade and above without standardized test records are required to undergo admissions
testing as follows:
• The Math and Reading portions of a standardized achievement test are used.
• Admissions tests are given by appointment only.
• Results of individual tests are confidential.
The Headmaster and Board reviews an application file only when it is complete. Parents will be notified
of acceptance by mail. Upon acceptance, an appointment must be made to complete the enrollment
process. The enrollment appointment will consist of the following:
• Completion of Contact and Emergency/Medical Form
• Distribution of School Supply List